Instron® Electromechanical Universal Testing Machine
Instron® electromechanical universal testing machine: Model No.
5569Q9398 with load capacity up to 50kN with maximum loading speed of
500 mm/min and minimum loading speed of 0.005 mm/min.
Number of static load cells with load capacities (compression and tensile):
10N; 500N; 1kN; 50kN
Grips for axial compression and tensile testing
Fixtures for custom loading testing by Wyoming Test Fixtures Inc.:
WTF-EL-194 compression test fixture
CU-FL-96 three and four-point flexure test fixtures
CU-3R-6 three-rail shear test fixture
Two laser Extensometers (non contact) by Electronic Instrument
Research Model No. LE-01 and Model No. LE-05 configured to measure
local axial and transverse displacements with measurement range of
8-80 mm for LE-01 and 8-127 mm for LE-05.
Connections to Instron loading frame through RS232 I/O port.
The Instron environmental chamber fits on the Instron loading frame to
keep the test specimen in controlled thermal environment during
testing. Operating temperature range: +350 deg C and -70 deg. C with
LN2. Temperature Stability: 2 deg. C.