Contact & Visiting — Sergio Pellegrino - Caltech

Contact & Visiting

Directions to Caltech
California Institute of Technology
1200 E. California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125

*Professor Pellegrino is located in Firestone (building #50 on the Caltech map, circled above), on the third floor, office 383.  The parking structure nearest Professor Pellegrino’s office is the California Structure (also circled on the above map).

Parking at Caltech
Campus visitors may park in any commuter (unreserved) stall on campus with a daily or weekly permit.  Permits are required in all campus lots between the hours of 7am - 5pm, Mon-Fri.

Parking information:

To see a campus map, go to

Further Information
If you require further information, please contact Kate Jackson at 626/395-2374 or by e-mail at