Ae105 Overview
2016-2017 Ae105 class celebrating a successful end of the year final project reviews
AAReST telescope testbed used by Ae105 students for testing end-to-end telescope performance.
Aerospace Engineering (Ae) 105 is a core component of the Masters Degree Program in Space Engineering. The course is sectioned into two components. The first is focused on the fundamental components of spacecraft engineering: mission design, structural dynamics, orbital mechanics and guidance navigation & control (GNC). The course is instructed by JPL engineers who offer insight into real-world problems. For the second half of the course, students collaborate with each other, along with GALCIT researchers on the AAReST mission. Several design areas are stressed with this project: spacecraft analysis and design, optics/telescope design and testing, composite boom testing, telescope software architecture, and electronics design. Students make significant contributions to these design areas, ultimately furthering the status of the mission as a whole.
Ae105 students testing boom accuracy with a FARO arm after vibration testing.
Current Tasks:
- Overall mission design (mass/power budget, orbit selection, mission requirements)
- Spacecraft structural design and analysis
- Hardware selection for satellite
- Development of GNC simulator for spacecraft
- Spacecraft modelling in STK (power, communications, and docking analysis)
- Design, fabrication, and testing of solar panels and antennas
- Development of flight software
Previous Tasks:
- Telescope architecture
- Telescope optics design (Zemax simulations)
- Preliminary thermal analysis
- Deployable boom design
- Mechanical design of camera and mirror box flight hardware
- Design of electromagnetic docking mechanism
- Autonomous reconfiguration algorithms (2D air-table experiments)
- Fabrication of deformable mirrors
- Flight qualification of deployable boom (dynamic deployment experiments, vibration testing)
- Flight qualification of camera and mirror boxes (thermal and vibration testing)
- Development of spacecraft electronics
- End-to-end testing of telescope
Ae105 Instructors:
- Tony Freeman
- Daniel Scharf
- Oscar Alvarez-Salazar