Polytec PSV-500 Scanning Vibrometer
Full-field vibration measurement with non-contact laser. Vibrational velocities of 0.01 µm/s to 30 m/s.

Portable coordinate measuring machine with accuracy of 30 μm (contact probe) and 25 μm (non-contact laser probe) over a range of 1.5 m.

Digital Image Correlation and Photogrammetry System
Dual camera system composed of two Point Grey monochrome cameras with 5.0 MP resolution and 15 fps maximum frame rate, connected to the VIC-3D Digital Image Correlation software for non-contact measurement of full-field surface displacements and strains.

High Speed Cameras
Stereo camera system consisting of 2 Photron UX100 monochrome high-speed cameras, capable of acquiring up to 80,000 full-resolution (1.3 MP) images at a maximum frame rate of 4,000 fps. Equipped with 35-mm lenses for large field of view imaging. The system also includes a 70,000 lumens REL Sure-Bright LED lighting system with 120 white LEDs. Used to perform Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and photogrammetry on dynamic processes under a wide range of temperatures (0 C to +80 C) and pressures (both in air and vacuum).

X-ray Micro-CT Scanner
The SSL facility is equipped with ZEISS Xradia 510 Versa 3D X-ray microscope (XRM) for high-resolution non-destructive imaging of materials. This allows for full 3D volume scanning of the samples. The objective lenses available allow for X-ray imaging with 0.4 x, 4.0 x, and 20 x magnification. The field of view and the imaging resolution of the scans are highly dependent on sample size and the distance of the X-ray source and X-ray detector from the sample. The spatial resolution of the scans can range from 0.7 – 50 μm. The field of view of the scan ranges from approximately 0.7 – 50 mm. Software available for post-processing include Dragonfly and Avizo for 3D visualization, segmentation, image processing, statistical characterization of defects and voids, and Digital Volume Correlation (DVC).

Digital Microscope
Nikon ShuttlePix P-MFSC is a portable digital microscope. It allows for much simpler remote inspection of large samples that might be too challenging for a conventional microscope. The ShuttlePix can be used for inspection, observation, simple measurements, and recording of high-resolution images.